Been long long time didn't update my blog. Is time to clean spider web. I would like to wishing everyone have a great and prosperous new year, "Gong Xi Fa Cai".
Thought I will gain my weight on this C.N.Y. who knows I lost it unintentionally due to sick. Thanks for god sage. Lolx. Visit relatives was MUST DO LIST during C.N.Y. At the same time, I'm bored with their same question like never change. How can I gave them a satisfy answer about stupid question.
E.g: When you bring Boyfriend come?
My heart whisper: How do I answer you this fucking stupid question while I not even know where my Mr.Right place now... =.=
This C.N.Y was most happening between us. Jerrick leave us on the first occasion after CNY and start his brand new life in KL ,not used be. sob sob. Beside this, we absence to club on CNY day 2 after been sustained for few years. How come? I don't know,seems like everyone look freaking tired on booze night. Eventhough we are exhausted yet my CNY schedule was full. Is a great time to gathering with those Primary, Secondary, College Friends. They came all the way back from far far away merely to met up. Touching! (hug).We are gambling, tossing with pals, look at the map and further discuss our next travel destination. Nice one!
M38 C.N.Y Reunion dinner.
Farewell with Tze Jiun. We will miss you! :'(
Found out that lot couples was breakup include my love one- Sumei. She's tend to be pretty much stronger and tough than what I've expected. When she told me the story between she n him, I'm damn disappointing to unfaithful boy. Girls find out everything. Sometime we din't tell doesn't mean we don't know but please don take us for granted. So BITCH, just get your fucking ass off! Sumei's choose to curl up in a ball,cry, and wake up the next day with no more tears to shed and heart made of steel.When a person choose to be betray just get over it, I buy into karma, will see. So just move on Sumei, I'll always stand by you since you have lot pretty cool plan to run by this year. Glad to see you're sober^^ (P/s: I get permit from Elain to allow you to join on Valentine Dinner. Lolx)So cheer!
Pauline her love one was visit Penang on CNY. It was freaking mad! I spend my day at mainland. Took lot seafood, experience speed boat to Pulau Aman taste the fresh seafood. Unfortunately we are late therefore we just fill in stomach with Mee Udang. Not bad. The Hungry monster felt hungry still, we move to tambun took seafood. Arrange the plan to watch fire- clips at somewhere Jawi. Unfortunately, there's a precariously fire burning case happened. An huge explore we heard from miles away, when we finish our fire-clips trip pass by a Malay house. It was devastated by fire and humans are advise to evacuate. Hope there's nothing bring to fatal. Sad to saw this happen on CNY. After this, we switch to BM tried the Fired Char Koew Teow, it was been age ago for me to come back and trial again. Delicious. JJ was suggested to had some sip and enjoy Live Band Show since the night still young. We moved to FUEL at Autocity and another toss night. Amazing, I fully utilize my time on those activities. Lolx.
With Sweetie Pauline
Man Haunting!
The next day, they expected me will join them in Thailand trip. Sorry friend, I was tired. LMAO
Well, I din't miss up the exclusive match Man.Utd vs. Arsenal. Catch up second half in Mc-D. Glory Glory Man.Utd!Any MU supporter here?Lolx.By the way, my holiday mood ignited still. Can't wait for my upcoming trip - Koh Lipe Island. Hope can get a glimpse on Sunny Handsome there! After back from Koh Lipe still have to heading to Genting with my Family. That's why I'm still holiday mood while people was start working. Lolx.
CNY outfit.
It brings me luck! ^.^
Special dedicated this song to Sumei, Hope she will be alright and cheer every day^^
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