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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Love ❤

Feel so great when Love is in the air. Seems my friends are being in pair.
When single play true or dare, after click on it couple rings put on wear.
Every move, every gesture and the glimpse ,fascination atmosphere
Quick,Sweet, melting kisses between promises.
Take a deep breath you cross my mind from time to time.
People asking when why people change?
That’s no why. You had deal with nothing if remain.
Some peoples manage to walk out from past.
Some choose stay still makes own day suck.
Things are going great. For Once, and its feels good.
You’ll found out that  the things that were so painful to talk about, are surprisingly not that bad anymore. 

You can see your “ex” in the hallway and not get butthurt about how he/she never liked you in the first place. You’ll become so good at handling situations and you haven’t noticed it this entire  period. experience is a brutal teacher, but it’s the fastest way to learn. It growth you up and taste some sweet of love if cupid quick trigger.

Anyway I glad to hear that peoples around me has been no lonely anymore, they deserve it after struggled been stone age.
I wishing everyone love endlessly and thanks god cause you finally found ya.
Neither Mine.….